Chapter 3: I/O

Standard I/O

Maybe you have heard of standard in or out (stdin or stdout) before. If you use Java, you must be familiar with two streams: and System.out. They are I/O streams onto the terminal, or tty. I don’t want to confuse you as well as myself, so for now let’s just say the standard I/O prints and gets text to and from the console screen.

File Descriptors

When it comes to I/O, you might first think of files. In Linux, files are accessed by file descriptors. The file descriptors are integers given by the kernel when you want to access (say, read or write) a file. The descriptor allows you to have access to the file as well as its information or metadata. For example, in C, if you want to open and read from a file with system calls (instead of using standard libraries that makes the call and wrap around for you), you will use the function int open(const char *pathname, int flags) and ssize_t read(int fd, void *buf, size_t count). For more you can read man 2 open and man 2 read. An example program will be

#include <sys/types.h>
#include <sys/stat.h>
#include <fcntl.h>      // file control flags

int main() {
    int fd = open("/home/rebuild/a.txt", O_RDONLY);
    char buf[1024];
    ssize_t bytes_read;
    while ((bytes_read = read(fd, buf, 1024)) > 0) {
        // ...
    return 0;

Now, I will introduce 3 special file descriptors: 0, 1, and 2. They are reserved and will always exist. They represent stdin, stdout, and stderr, respectively. File descriptor 0 is read only, and file descriptors 1 and 2 are write only. You can easily use them since you don’t need to manually open them. Just use them as simple as

#define STDOUT 1

// ...

write(STDOUT, "hello, world!", 14);

In Linux, standard I/O have another appearance as device files so that standard I/O can also be interpreted as file I/O. Go to /dev/fd using cd. If you list files using ls -la, there must be 3 entries as follows.

lrwx------ 1 root root 64 Oct 29 14:18 0 -> /dev/pts/0
lrwx------ 1 root root 64 Oct 29 14:18 1 -> /dev/pts/0
lrwx------ 1 root root 64 Oct 29 14:18 2 -> /dev/pts/0

They actually all point to dev/pts/0, which stands for the pseudo terminals (pty for short). This is the number 0 of the ptys. There may be many ptys under this folder, and you can use tty command to check which pty are you using for your own shell. It’s just a readable and writable device file representing the terminal. We will talk more on this when we use redirection in the next chapter.

With this knowledge in mind, let’s learn some I/O in shell.

I/O in Shells

For anything related to shell starting from this point, I will use Bash as an example. Check your shell using echo $SHELL. If it’s not /bin/bash, please type /bin/bash to switch to Bash.

Redirecting Output

Now we know that I/O includes all of files and standard streams (and also devices). Now, let’s manipulate I/O in shells and forget about programs for now.

I have never told you how to write to a file before. Let’s suppose for now that we don’t have text editors, not even vim, emacs, nano, or ed. How to write to a file? Well, we have to use output redirection. The operator for this operation in shells is >. For example, if we want to write Hello, world to a file a.txt, we can simply use echo -n "Hello, world" > a.txt. The -n option means that no additional new line character \n will be printed. Here, echo will print whatever you wrote to stdout, and > will redirect stdout to whatever follows, a.txt in this example.

Let’s do one more useful example. Say a program will print huge amounts of useless information to the screen and you don’t want to see them. head -n 10 /dev/urandom will be great example. The head command by default reads the first 10 lines from a file (to peek the head of a file). You can specify the number of lines to read by using the -n <number> option. /dev/urandom is a special file (called a character special device) that will give out random bytes when read from. 10 lines from random byte stream will be a lot. Just pretend that this is a program you want to execute. How to make the output disappear? Here, we need another special device file called /dev/null. From its name we can know clearly that it represents a black hole. Everything written to this file will go away. Therefore, we have the solution: head -n 10 /dev/urandom > /dev/null.

Now let’s see some advanced usage of redirection. We learned the 3 special file descriptors previously. Let’s use them here. First, we can specify which stream to redirect to. 1> will redirect stdout(1), and 2> will redirect stderr(2). The previous > is just shorthand for 1>. Let’s choose a program that will print to both stdout and stderr. Most error messages will go to stderr. Let’s use ls. If you ls a file that doesn’t exist, it will report error. First, choose a file that exists in your current directory and a name that doesn’t exist in your directory. For me, I have a.txt in my directory, but no b.txt. Then, if I execute ls a.txt b.txt, it will print

ls: cannot access 'b.txt': No such file or directory

The first line is from stderr, and the second line is from stdout. Let’s try to hide stderr using knowledge we have. Yes, ls a.txt b.txt 2>/dev/null is correct. It will then only output a.txt. Similarly, ls a.txt b.txt 1>/dev/null will only output ls: cannot access 'b.txt': No such file or directory to stderr. Now here comes the question. If a program only accepts stdout, how do I redirect stderr to stdout? The first option is using the knowledge we have. Remember /dev/fd/1? It’s a file! We can use 2>/dev/fd/1! Run bash -c "ls LICENSE a.txt 2>/dev/fd/1" > /dev/null to check that no output is generated. If you only run bash -c "ls LICENSE a.txt" > /dev/null, you will also get the error message. However using this name is too long for file descriptors. Therefore, if you want to access a file descriptor for redirection, you can use the shorthand &<fd>. In previous example, we can just write bash -c "ls LICENSE a.txt 2>&1" > /dev/null, and 2>&1 is always the best way to redirect stderr to stdout.


First of all, most GNU utility programs which accept files as inputs accept standard input. Let’s take cat as an example. The command cat is for printing contents of a file. It can print also the standard input. If you just type cat into the terminal and then you type something and hit ↵ Enter (Windows) or ↵ Return (Mac), you will see the exact same thing you typed in the output! But how is this even useful? Well, maybe not for cat, but for many other programs.

Let’s check again the head program. Suppose you have a file numbers.txt, which consists of the numbers 1 to 10, each on a line. If you execute head -n 5 numbers.txt, you will get 1 to 5 as expected. Also, if you run head -n 5 alone, and you input 5 lines, they will be printed out. Now, let’s say you have a command that will output a lot of information. Let’s use ip for an example. ip a will show you all the network configurations for your computer. However, sometimes the output is very long. What if I only want the first result? Yes! Let’s use head! But wait… How to read the output from another program into the input of head? The answer is pipe! The format of pipes is <command1> | <command2> | ... | <commandN>.

Continue with the last example. We will use ip a | head to show the information of the first 10 lines. Next, I will introduce you a super useful command: grep. I plan to introduce this command gradually throughout this course, but here I will tell you the basic usage of it. Basically, it will show lines that contains a given regular expression. You can grep a file using grep <regex> <file>..., and here we want to use it to find lines within output of another command. Let’s check the model name of our CPU cores! The information about CPUs are stored in the file /proc/cpuinfo. If we only use grep, we can use grep "model name" /proc/cpuinfo. Then, let’s get the content of the file using cat and pretend that it’s not reading from a file, which is something grep can do. We can use cat /proc/cpuinfo | grep "model name". More useful scenario is when we want to check the processes running in background. We have to use ps command standing for process. We can see all processes running by ps -ef. Let’s check if there is any python running. The command is ps -ef | grep python. If nothing show up, then no python is run on your computer. You can then check for other processes.

The last thing I want to tell you in this chapter is an interesting one-liner1 to generate random strings in Bash. It’s useful when you want to generate temporary IDs or passwords.

cat /dev/urandom | tr -dc A-Za-z0-9 | head -c 13 ; echo ''

You can remove the echo part to remove the new line character. For tr, it is used to select out the characters in the given regex pattern. -c for head is for number of characters. By this line, you can generate a 13-character long random string. An example usage of this command is as follows.

tmpfile=$(cat /dev/urandom | tr -dc A-Za-z0-9 | head -c 13)
hostname -i > $tmpfile
ping -c 1 $(cat $tmpfile)
rm -f $tmpfile

The grammar $(...) is just getting the output of a command as a string. A newer syntax for this is backticks `...`. This is an unnecessarily complicated example just to show you how to use this. Maybe a better one is just ping -c 1 $(hostname -i).

Notes and References

  1. Unix: How to generate a random string?

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